Saturday, September 22, 2007

Your My Results

Ok, I'm taking a whole bunch of the tests over at I have a thing for personality tests like this, so I'm just going through as many as possible tonight. I'm testing as not liberal and not conservative but all over the place. I also have a very low "collectivism" rank (big fat DUH there).

Anyway, they have this test where you say how much money you would have to receive before you do something "unsacred". Here's a summary of my results:

* It would take an average of $3333.3333333333 to get you to violate the HARM foundation.
* It would take an average of $505 to get you to violate the FAIRNESS foundation.o
* It would take an average of $420200 to get you to violate the INGROUP foundation.
* It would take an average of $0 to get you to violate the AUTHORITY foundation.
* It would take an average of $1000000 to get you to violate the PURITY foundation.

I didn't think I placed quite that much importance on loyalty and purity (especially given my low collectivism score). Also, I'm a cheap date for cheating because it only takes about $500 for me act unfairly. But what's no surprise is that I don't even need to be paid to buck authority. Interesting....

Another surprise is that I'm supposedly less sensitive to disgust than the average of other test takers. I'm always thought of myself as rather picky about such things.

If you're also a on-line test junkie, you can go to the site & register. Once you do, you can access your scores & results at any time. Very cool.

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