Friday, November 30, 2007

Ubuntu Tricks

After lazing away my Friday, I finally decided to do something constructive with my day. The Ubuntu help forums have a section on Tutorials....

Here's some really useful ones that also aren't too hard:

1) How to prevent a forkbomb: Those symbols I was talking about in yesterday's post? This is how to stop them. Simple & easy.
2) How clean up all those junk files: He covers multiple methods of getting rid of files you no longer need. Even though my install is less than 9 months old, I did a LOT of installing, trying out & removing so I actually had more orphaned files than I expected.
3) How to Download Videos Off YouTube: I didn't actually end up using the suggested way BUT the comments include multiple methods of accomplishing the same goal. I went with Unplug, a Firefox addon. But I may also give youtube-dl a try in order to improve my terminal skills.
4) This isn't strictly a "How-To"....Know Your Terminal Commands post contains links to several sources and tutorials on the command line. I'm definitely book-marking this sucker.

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